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Mas Energy

Colloidal magnesium

Colloidal magnesium

Regular price €29,90
Regular price Sale price €29,90
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  • Stress reliever for body and mind
  • Essential for metabolic processes and for the assimilation of important vitamins.
  • Promotes the absorption of blood sugar.
  • Relaxes the nervous system and heart muscle

How to use

Spray in the mouth, under the tongue 10/15 sprays 2/3 times a day. For topical use on the affected parts even several times a day.


Bidistilled water, colloidal magnesium.


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  • Nano drops of magnesium

    Mas Energy pure colloidal magnesium is among the most effective on the market, thanks to a technology that allows the reduction of the magnesium particles in microscopic dimensions and to an innovative patented electrolysis process, which guarantees the high stability of the solution .

  • To find serenity

    Medical science estimates at 420 gr. the daily requirement of magnesium for an adult weighing 70 kg and almost 80% of the western population suffers from its deficiency in various ways. The right level of magnesium is essential for many functions of the body, from those related to the nervous system to the muscles and heart, up to the control of blood sugar .

  • Only very pure magnesium

    Colloidal Magnesium is a natural and safe product, with no harmful effects on the body. It can be used in conjunction with other medications, even birth control pills. it is composed of only atoms of pure metallic Magnesium in bi-distilled water.

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Promotes muscle relaxation

Thanks to its properties, Magnesium helps maintain the correct rhythm of heartbeats. Magnesium is able to relax the heart muscle and prevent arrhythmias, as well as being essential in many reactions that occur in the heart .

Topical use indicated before sport

it is advisable to apply Colloidal Magnesium directly on the skin to help prevent tiredness, fatigue and muscle cramps.

Topical use recommended both before and during workouts.

Immediate effect against cramps

Do you usually suffer from muscle cramps after workouts? You can say goodbye to this unpleasant situation. Colloidal Magnesium has an immediate effect against cramps and helps muscle relaxation.

Helps prevent diabetes

Colloidal magnesium helps keep blood sugar levels under control, effectively preventing diabetes. Magnesium is able to promote the absorption of sugars within the cells, thus regulating their concentration in the blood.

Fights stress and irritability

Colloidal magnesium has calming properties and helps relax the nervous system. It intervenes in the transmission of nerve impulses and acts directly on the production of seratonin, the hormone that "cheers us up". Thanks to this process, magnesium helps to relieve the typical symptoms of depression including states of anxiety, stress and irritation.

Regulates body pH

Another indispensable property of magnesium is to be able to regulate any type of imbalance in the body's PH. If this problem is not solved, tissues and organs could present important damages.

Fight insomnia

Colloidal magnesium is directly responsible for the formation of serotonin and relieves sleep disorders such as difficulty falling asleep and insomnia.

Destroys kidney stones

An intake of adequate levels of this mineral helps keep the kidneys in perfect condition ; it is even capable of destroying painful stones that can form in the kidneys.

Balances blood pressure

Colloidal magnesium is essential for maintaining body fluid balance. It plays a primary role in maintaining stable blood pressure.

Fight constipation

Magnesium is able to control stomach acids by promoting proper digestion , acts as a mild but effective laxative.

Potassium and magnesium: the perfect union

Together with magnesium, potassium nano drops is a supplement that best counteracts the effects of excessive sweating (especially in summer) and muscle fatigue.